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Grading Policy 2019-2020

Mrs. Legg’s Civics Class


Homework Assignments  = Fifteen Percent (15%) of Quarter Average. 

Quizzes =  Twenty Five Percent (25%) of Quarter Average

Classwork = Fifteen Percent (15%) of Quarter Average

Class Grade/Participation  = Ten Percent (10%) of Quarter Average

Tests/Essays/Google Slide Presentations =  Thirty Five Percent (35%) of                   Quarter  Average



          Homework will be collected at the beginning of the class on the day it is due.  For every missed homework you will be given a zero. It cannot be handed in later in class or later in the day. Homework from the textbook must be in complete sentences and labeled by page number and question number.  Missing homework cannot be made up unless due to absence. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what work you missed by going to the homework website or by asking me. Any late homework due to an absence must be turned in the following day. 


          Quizzes will usually be announced.  Study material for each quiz will be given to students in advance.  You are responsible to take the quiz on the day it is given unless you are absent that day or the day before.  You are then responsible to take the quiz the following day. 


           Every week during each quarter, students will be responsible for presenting a current events slide show to their class. You will have a sign up sheet with the date that the current events presentation is due. A rubric and additional information will be given in class. No late presentations will be accepted. Late presentations will result in a zero. This assignment will be graded as classwork. Other classwork will include in class projects and worksheets.

Google Slide Presentation:

            Each student is required to complete at least one Google Slide project during the school year.  A handout will be given to you with a guideline that includes directions on how the project must be completed and a rubric on how the project will be graded. The Google Slide presentation must be handed in on the day it is due - no exceptions! 


            You may be required to complete an essay based on an assigned writing prompt sheet and writing assessment rubric you will be given in class. Your essay must be handed in on the day it is due unless you are absent.  Anyone absent the day the essay is due will be responsible to hand it in the following day. No late essays will be accepted. This assignment will incorporate usage of the library and computers.  All essays must be typed. You will have class time to type your essay.

 Class Grade/Participation/Preparation:

            You will be given a class grade each quarter in this course. The class grade will reflect participation in class and absences. Your class grade will also reflect your preparedness for class. Calculation of the class grade will be at the discretion of the teacher.


            Study guides will usually be given in advance of tests. If you are absent the day we complete the study guide, you are responsible to make up that work the following day. You are responsible to take the test on the day it is given unless you are absent, then you will take the test the first day you are back. 


All grades stand, the lowest grade will not be dropped!! 

No extra credit!!! 

Note:  Adjustments may need to be made to this Grading Policy as deemed necessary by the teacher due to various circumstances.





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