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Current Event Criteria and Rubric


  • Must be completed in Google Slides

  • First page is your title page. The title page should contain your name, the date, and the teacher name.

  • Presentation must be 1.5 to 3 minutes in length

  • Must contain one local, one national, one international current event, one other news story that can pertain to science, entertainment, business, or an “odd” occurrence. At the top of the slide you must indicate what type of current event (example:  Local Current Event)

  • Each slide must contain a photo and/or video relating to each current event

  • Each slide should contain a minimum of 3 bullets.  Summarize each current event. No copy and pasting. No paragraph form.

  • Current event must have occurred within the past 48 hours

  • You can use the newspaper (local –, or national:,,,,,,,,) or any other reputable news outlet. Other resources are below.

  • References need to be cited.  You should have a total of four references. One for each event. References can be duplicated.

  • Double check your spelling and grammar

  • There should be a total of at least six (6) slides: title, local current event, national current event, international current event, other current event, and references.

  • Must be ready to present on the day presentation is due. At the beginning of each quarter, you will be given your due dates. If you are absent on the day it is due, you will present the FIRST day you are back in class.

Name:   _________________________________       Date:  _______________________


Title Page              (5 points)

Missing name (-1)

Missing date  (-1)

Missing teacher name  (-1)

Contains no Title Page   (-5)

Local Current Event                 (20 points)

No local current event (-20)

Title on top of slide was omitted (-5)

No photo or video or current event did not occur within 48 hours (-5)

Does not include 3 bullets or was in paragraph form       (-5)

National Current Event                 (20 points)

No national current event  (-20)

Title on top of slide was omitted (-5)

No photo or video  or current event did not occur within 48 hours (-5)

Does not include 3 bullets or was in paragraph form       (-5)

International Current Event    (20 points)

No international current event (-20)

Title on top of slide was omitted (-5)

No photo or video  or current event did not occur within 48 hours  (-5)

Does not include 3 bullets or was in paragraph form       (-5)

Other Current Event                 (20 points)

No other current event (-20)

Title on top of slide was omitted (-5)

No photo or video  or current event did not occur within 48 hours  (-5)

Does not include 3 bullets or was in paragraph form       (-5)

References Cited (5 points)

3 references cited  (-2)

2 references cited  (-3)

1 references cited  (-4)

0 references cited      (- 5)


Spelling               (5 points)

1 grammar/ spelling error       (-1)

2 grammar/ spelling errors      (-2)

3 grammar/ spelling errors                  (-3)

4 or more grammar/ spelling errors         (-4)

Presentation with within 1.5 to 3 minutes (5 points)

Presentation was less than 1.5 minutes (-5)

Grade:  ________________

ADA Compliance Errors0