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Mrs. Legg’s


Students are required to follow all rules and regulations as specified in the student agenda/handbook.  In addition . . .

Rules for Classroom Conduct:

1.  Students must sit in assigned seats.  Please do not ask to have your seat reassigned unless you have a legitimate reason.  Remain in your seat at all times unless otherwise given permission by me to move.  You will not be dismissed from the class at the end of the period if there is paper and/or garbage left on the floor.

2.  Absolutely no cursing or vulgar language will be allowed in class.  Respect for the rights of others and the teacher is demanded.  No one will be permitted to degrade or harass another student. 

3. There will be no throwing of objects allowed.  No destructive or disrespectful behavior will be tolerated.  Do not touch the person or belongings of another student.  No student has the right to interfere with the education of his or her fellow students.

4. No one will be allowed to go to the lavatory during the time they are working on a test or a quiz, you may go before or after you are finished taking the quiz/test.

5.  Students must be on time for class.  Students late for class will be subject to the school tardy policy.   

6.  Always be prepared for class.  Bring with you your textbook, notebook, folder, and a writing utensil every day.  Your textbook requires a book cover.  Do not write in your textbook.  Return your textbook at the end of the school year in the condition it was given to you.

7.  It is imperative that you raise your hand in this class to be heard or if you have any questions.    

8.  All assignments must be turned in on time.  All assignments must be legible in order to receive credit.  Your homework assignments will not be returned to you.  Do not ask to go to your locker for forgotten assignments.  Do not ask if you can show your work later in the day.  It is your responsibility to remember to bring your assignments to class.  Assignments missed due to absences must be handed in the following day.  Incomplete assignments may be handed in for they will be given partial credit.  You will not be permitted to complete work in this class for any other class unless it is at the end of class and I have granted permission.

9.  Cheating will result in a zero for the quiz, test, or assignment.  Cheating will include the copying of answers for tests, quizzes, or any assignments.  The copying of any assignment from another student will not only result in a zero for the cheater, but also for the student who actively allowed another to cheat off them.  Cheating will also include talking while taking a quiz or test.  Regardless of what the conversation is about, no talking is allowed.  PLAGIARISM is also cheating and will be discussed in more detail when projects and essays are assigned.

10.  Listen to directions, and absolutely no talking when I am talking.  Respect your fellow classmates.  Do not criticize anyone’s ideas or thoughts, no matter what.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

11.  Violations of the classroom could possibly warrant an office referral depending on the severity of the infraction.  Severe or repeated classroom disruptions and violations may also result in an office referral and also parental notification.


NOTE:  Your assignments for this class will be posted at:

             Google Classroom or


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